Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Hell 2.0

I walked into Tata Medical Center today with ma. Never thought I would need to return. They found a tumor in ma's lung.

We can all agree that this is quite ridiculous. What's happening in my life.

With what was happening a few days ago, I was meant to celebrate with wine in a balcony and joke about the chaos that's life. Because neither the NIH thing, nor the WIT thing, nor the upcoming interview thing in this big-profile lab made any logical sense. It all felt like life's a joke and this was all very funny.

Only that, it's all a joke, and it's not funny. It's pretty darn sad.

N.B (Oct 10, 2018): We found out that Ma actually had an infection in her lung and not 4th stage lung cancer. Albeit a strange prank from Life, this created character - according to several wise people in my life.


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