Sunday, August 04, 2013

Happy birthday, Tuktuki! :-)
A little ahead of the exact hour, but then I have always been a little forward in speaking out loud and clear. Have a merry, merry birthday, babu!

I was listening to a murmur of voices, in the queue at the grocery store, literally, to figure out the inexplicable vitality—that 'something out of nothing'— which could be a simple wave of our collective wishes. Instead, I heard a harmony of different notes, in different scales. It was probably the closest approximation to living a full life, living it amid the garbage heap, living it amid the flowers. 
The sharp and ragged edges of survival blunts after a while, Rai. Then begins the deep emotional journey towards the shadow of a long longed dream—a spot of pink glow on the tip of someone's nose, in my case. 
I hope to hear the tambourine-man play his last song for me. I wish you could hear him play, too. Perhaps, he'll play his flute for you in some jingle-jangle morning. Call me then, if you would, to share the moment with a cup of coffee, even in the middle of ancient empty streets too dead for dreaming.

We both have been living a "phantastic" life, naa?

awnek aador. bawro hoye oth. aaro.


I have lovely people in my life at 25. Pretty amazing.


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