Friday, August 02, 2013

So said a favourite friend. Once.

Have some faith in yourself. What's much more important than this presentation is whether you have faith in yourself.
5:46 PM If you have that, you can deal with anything negative that comes out of tomorrow.
  If you don't, a good presentation tomorrow can only see you through till the next such situation when you'll break down again.
5:47 PM this stuff will keep happening by the truckload. but where will you be if your confidence ditches you every time?
5:48 PM forget about tomorrow. think about yourself for just a minute. you've been doing this for years. stop it, relax. nobody cares. you'll just go up there and do it, and be honest.
  that's all i can say now. Good luck Rai.

I bumped into this, looking for an address in my inbox. I post this because I fear I may lose this piece of memory.


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