Friday, November 28, 2008

The city is called Bombay.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

I have an exam under 3 days and I am obssessively playing the flute for quite some time now.

Friday, November 21, 2008

There's a dark recess inside my head. It was discovered two years back when I first came to know him. But as we fell apart and lost touch, the chamber closed.
Sometimes when I feel impossible, and go back to my ground state, I hear noises from the locked chamber and when I read the Holy Scripts, I sometimes get a funny feeling that life exists behind the closed doors, still.
And in very very rare occasions, like today and now, something, and I have a tiny little inkling that I may know what this something is, knocks at the doors from the other side.
Then a few things make frightening sense. And I can't justify the sudden outburst of strength.
At these points of my life, I feel I should always stay away from them.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shit happened.
Something interesting has also happened however internally. Thanks to life; that has pointed to me something that has been gathering in the cupboards quietly. So here I am looking at this dead pile of horrible waste of flesh and limbs and time that twenty years have come down to.
Twenty years of existence, it has been really, and I could not build a Self or grow roots. One of those feelings that knocks the air out of your lungs.

They call it light-heartedness. They call it funny, for wit is what I use to cover all that's private.

I feel rootless and poor today. I feel ugly when I am naked.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

I do not know why life becomes so painful and cruel before the endsems.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

The snag is: Sazzhha has badly betrayed me for the first time in its history.

Although the cult was propounded three months back precisely, this was unexpected and disappointing. And unless this is coupled to some greater good in the near future like the way they make thermodynamically unfavourable reactions favourable in Lehninger, I am sorry I shall have to bash someone down his pants.

Note heard saying to herself: Whenever you have a serious fallacy and you are certain about it, it forms your responsibility to do something about it no matter whatever cult you are believing in at that point.
What I feel is, according to the second law of thermodynamics, everything tends to go random. Everything and everyone must hence try achieving a state of maximum Randomness and Insanity for that is what the universe demands.