Thursday, August 28, 2014

One half

For all you know
I could be as
promiscuous as some of our split-GAL4 lines*

With different men
I light up new corners of my soul.

Maybe I am still looking for
my soul or maybe I
dunno what it’s like
to feel cosy in my skin?

You may want to pause a bit

And look back at me on a dimmed night.

Do you think,
I exist without you?
Do you think I exist without
the thousand other
halves, the men in my earlobes
and heart and
between my legs?

 *2 split-GAL4s make one GAL4 - a functional enzyme that can be made to do cool things - for example, light up neurons in fruit-fly brains. But, one half-GAL4 can do nothing without the other. Some of these are promiscuous, and have not just one partner.