Monday, February 18, 2019


He said to me later that night:
After you left, and I was walking back to my house, I caught myself wondering: 'Was it all a dream?' But then, there were your shoes inside the house - the pair you had left behind - and they were still there and they were real. 

After he had left yesterday in the morning from my place, I caught myself wondering: 'Was it all a dream?'. But then, there was the pack of Fat Tire lying on the chair and it was still there and it was real.

I will see him tonight again. We just met - yet we pretend to have known each other for ages. We have very little in common. (He is a mechanical engineer, he races dirt bikes, he reads sci-fi and fantasy novels, he is fit, he has suffered far more in life than I have yet is more full of joy). He smiles warmly, takes me in his arms, and says he does not want to jinx everything by thinking. I am not thinking either.

He feels like a Bon-Voyage before I move to New York, and my life changes forever again.

P.S: I am in New York. We are still dating. He helped me move. I have met his parents. I have met his friends. He has met my friends. We both love the Duck Song. I discovered that I can orgasm with penetrative sex. I don't fake it no more. (Apr 30, 2019)

P.P.S: We broke up recently. Things are complicated (again) with M. M is back in my life - kinda, but it feels like he is going to disappear again soon. That's just long story sweet and short. (June 15, 2019)

Monday, February 04, 2019

Princess met Frog

One day
A princess
Found a frog
And kissed the frog
The frog had a fungus
Magic-fungus turned princess
Into frog

Two frogs
Fell in love
And lived happily
ever after

And the world missed out on Princess.

If Princess wouldn't have met Frog
She would have conquered America.

But we don't know
If Princess would have been happy
in that kind of future.


M just broke up with me a couple days back. I was with M for five and a half years. That's like about the duration of time when human kids become cute, projects end and papers start being written, PhDs finish. Also, how long some cancer patients live, give or take a few months.

A long time for me, as far as romantic relationships are concerned. My usual turnover for love is one and a half years. This time, I was hooked and convinced that I found 'the one'. I thought there was truth in the love between M and I. I though we could shrink a huge, cold, uncaring world into two - he and I and nothing else. I stand corrected.

I am packing my projects and bags for New York. It is bittersweet. My heart breaks every time I move. This time, I feel old, because the feelings are familiar.

Can life make one happy? Life - as clichéd it sounds - is a quest to find the truth. The question is, can truth ever make us happy?