Friday, October 17, 2008


He has named me the queen

Yesterday in the attic
Some walls were wrecked
And some rules were broken

And as moments leaked through a hole in the roof
The sun flickered like red gold
And a piece of evening stared
Through a chink at the door
As our bodies blazed like flames in the attic

He held me like a wispy dream

So my shadow melted like butter in his

And there were summers and winters and autumns and springs
And rain and storm and a sun in my heart
When we sinned.

He said he has named me the queen.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Elf: There’s a secret trapped in the attic.
Algorithm: You trapped it?
Elf: Yes. And you need a password to enter the attic from today.
Algorithm: Chicky. There’s a hole in the roof, you forget.
Elf: All chinks shall be sealed today.
Algorithm: *thinks carefully* I think the secret will break through. Either, or I’ll hack.
Elf: Keep your filthy hands to yourself.
Algo: Hmmm…
Elf: What?
Algo: Will you ever give me a place I won’t need passwords to visit?
Elf: Someday.
Algo: Soon?

Elf: *assumes indifference*