I have tasted the Wind. I cannot tell you what it means to me, to go with the flow of shimmering waves towards the setting sun in the horizon. You know, the journey will never end because the sea cannot meet the sky. It is not practical to want to hold a wisp of cloud in your hand.
You know, that I loved you. I loved you more than I thought I ever could. And you know, I have been called. And when I am called, I forget everything and join the wind. If you call me back, I will only move more and more away from you. If you hold me back, I will rage like a tempest and break you into pieces.
You can wait, but I donot know when or if I will return. I may not return. I may die in my quest of finding that miracle I have been looking for. Or I may come back to you, without fire, tired and out of breath. Then, I am sure, you will not love me like you do now. You will not look in my eyes with that glint in your eyes, you will not want to hold my breath in the hotness of your breath, you will not want to draw alphabets tenderly across my spine.
You can just let me go. If you donot, I will anyways go. But if you do, we will remember each other with a smile, every time we remember each other. We will remember the good times. We will remember the peacocks, the crickets, the rocks and the raised platforms.
Remember, I will remember you. I donot remember anyone till now. But I know I will remember you.